On Februari 12 Helen Roeten will organize an online life drawing session inspired by the paintings of Ida Applebroog . Our beautiful Model from Portugal : Safire takes on the challenge to express raw and emotional art of Ida Applebroog. Very happy to work with Safire after a long time.

The Model: Safire Hikari

It is the second time I have Safire modeling for Helen Roeten Lifedrawing.I am fascinated by her strong body , her presence and personality . Safire Ezouku Bagera Aroaha Hikari,The dog in the human costume. Animal, mover, friendof gravity. Dancer, circus performer, actor and model. Safire shares a soul with a dog called Scallwag.
Safire loves to incorporate spirals and twists into their poses.

The inspirational artists : Ida Applebroog

A self-proclaimed ‘generic artist’ and an ‘image scavenger,’ painter and feminist pioneer Ida Applebroog spent the past six decades conducting a sustained inquiry into the polemics ofhuman relations. She explored themes of violence and power, gender politics, women’ssexuality and domestic space using images stylistically reminiscent of comics, at once beguiling and disturbing.She developed an instantly recognizable style of simplified human forms with bold outlines. In an Applebroog exhibition, the visitor becomes an observer and aparticipant in a domestic drama where fragmented narrative scenes are neither beginnings nor ends to the story. 



The session

The poses will be portrait and full body poses. Provocative and emotional poses but
aesthetically appealing scenes will tell the story of Applebroogs art

  • 19.45 zoom door open.
  • The poses start 20.00 till 22.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
  • After 22.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
  • The poses are 5 ,10 or 15 minutes.
  • Open to all levels, beginners and pro.
  • On donation base ( with minimum of 10 euro )
  • To receive all information about the session sent a message by mail :