Puka Lwith Helen Roeten Life drawing

On Februari 16 Helen Roeten will organize an online life drawing session inspired by mirrorsin art . Our beautiful Model from Italy. It is the first time Pukka and me working together. A session where reflection and different use of mirrors will create fascinating images. Noteasy to draw and paint but a great inspiration

The Model: Fernanda Corral : Puka

Always a joy to work with a model for the first time. Puka likes to do dynanic poses and loves the theme of mirrors as inspiration. Fernanda Corral, a.k.a Puka: scenic artist dedicated to the research of movement and body expression, live model since 2023. From my love for dance and improvisation comes the interest to experience the art of the live model. Poetic space par excellence, able to merge the visual language with a state of absolute presence, almost meditative. At the service of a sensitive and subjective gaze that, like a mirror, returns a form that is both its own and that of others. That highlights and completes. That invites us to transcend the limits of the physical body to allow us to visualize the states of the soul.”

The inspirational theme : Mirrors in art
Mirrors, like their reflections, can be ambiguous and even contradictory in their meaning. Do they show truth or illusion? Beauty or vanity? Self-reflection or shallowness? The answer is as mutable as the object itself: mirrors have been used to reflect all of those meanings andmore in art.

Video’s mirrors art

The session
In this session we will use different camera angels. Closeups and fullbody poses.
Different mirrors. The poses are inspired by artworks with mirrors from different artists.

● 16.45 zoom door open.
● The poses start 17.00 till 19.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
● After 19.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
● The poses are 5 ,10 or 15 minutes.
● Open to all levels, beginners and pro.

On donation base ( with minimum of 10 euro )
To receive all information about the session sent a message by mail :